Jokes, Riddles & Giggles - Alphabetical Listing of Articles
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Alphabetical by Title

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Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
Race Prejudices  5  326750 
Race Pride  1  326822 
Race Pride  9  326821 
Race Suicide  4  326657 
Races  1  329918 
Races  4  327184 
Railroad  4  326735 
Railroads  1  326926 
Railroads  4  327132 
Railroads  5  326717 
Railroads  4  327011 
Railroads  3  326775 
Railroads  4  326719 
Railroads  3  326633 
Railroads  3  326916 
Railroads  5  327028 
Railroads  7  326610 
Railroads  3  327364 
Rapid Transit  3  326735 
Ready And Willing  2  326931 
Ready And Willing  1  326808 
Ready And Willing  1  326737 
Ready And Willing  3  326720 
Ready And Willing  1  326692 
Ready To Join  2  326692 
Real Estate Agents  5  326607 
Realised  2  327046 
Realism  13  326910 
Realism  2  326667 
Realism  2  326770 
Realism  1  327028 
Reality  4  326747 
Reassuring  2  326738 
Recall  2  327070 
Recall  2  326923 
Recently married  4  326702 
Recipe for a baby:  4  327076 
Recipe for a milliner:  4  326511 
Recipe for a multi-millionaire:  4  326776 
Recipe for a parson:  4  326912 
Recipe for a policeman:  4  326870 
Recipe for a suffragette:  4  326486 
Recipe for a telephone operator:  4  326689 
Recipe for a waiter:  4  326690 
Recipe for an actor:  4  326780 
Recipe for an ingenue:  4  326937 
Recipe for an orchestra leader:  4  326650 
Recognition  4  326866 
Recommendations  3  326985 
Recommendations  2  326749 

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