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    The storekeeper at Yount, Idaho, tells the following tale of Ole Olson, who later became the little town's mayor.

    "One night, just before closin' up time, Ole, hatless, coatless, and breathless, come rushin' into the store, an' droppin' on his knees yelled, 'Yon, Yon, hide me, hide me! Ye sheriff's after me!'

    "'I've no place to hide you here, Ole,' said I.

    "'You moost, you moost!' screamed Ole.

    "'Crawl into that gunny-sack then,' said I.

    "He'd no more'n gotten hid when in runs the sheriff.

    "'Seen Ole?' said he.

    "'Don't see him here,' said I, without lyin'.

    "Then the sheriff went a-nosin' round an' pretty soon he spotted the gunny-sack over in the corner.

    "'What's in here?' said he.

    "'Oh, just some old harness and sleigh-bells,' said I.

    "With that he gives it an awful boot.

    "'Yingle, yingle, yingle!' moaned Ole."

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