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    The president of one great southern railway pulled into a southern city in his private car. It was also the terminal of a competing road, and the private car of the president of the other line was on a side track. There was great rivalry between these two lines, which extended from the president of each down to the most humble employe. In the evening the colored cook from one of the cars wandered over to pass the time of day with the cook on the other car.

    One of these roads had recently had an appalling list of accidents, and the death-toll was exceptionally high. The cook from this road sauntered up to the back platform of the private car, and after an interchange of courtesies said:

    "Well, how am youh ole jerkwatah railroad these days? Am you habbing prosper's times?"

    "Man," said the other, "we-all am so prosperous that if we was any moah prosperous we just naturally couldn't stand hit."

    "Hough!" said the other, "we-all am moah prosperous than you-all."

    "Man," said the other, "we dun carry moah'n a million passengers last month."

    "Foah de Lord's sake!" ejaculated the first negro. "You-all carried moah'n a million passengers? Go on with you, nigger; we dun kill moah passengers than you carry."

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