Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

[ All |  A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N ]
[ O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z |  Other ]

First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
The new clergyman was coming to call,  Mistaken Identity  4  173838 
The new cook, who had come into the  Yale University  4  174316 
The New England widower was speaking  Marriage  2  174080 
THE NEW GIRL - "An' may me intended  Servants  3  173901 
The new maid was talkative,  Plain Speaking  3  174009 
The new member of the club listened with solemn  Shipwreck  5  173981 
The new minister in a Georgia church  Prayers  3  174493 
The new minister's first sermon  Preaching  1  173852 
The new play was a failure.  Drama  2  174108 
The new reporter wrote his concluding paragraph  Luck  2  173992 
The new soda clerk was a mystery,  Beer  2  174327 
The new vicar was paying a visit  No Nonsense About It  5  173870 
The New York Sun published the following:  Prayer  5  174117 
The newly married pair quarreled seriously,  Domestic Quarrels  6  174099 
The newly married pair were stopping  Honeymoon  5  174285 
The newly-elected president  Carefulness  2  177052 
The newspaper report of the special Sunday  Prayer  2  174202 
The not especially sweet-tempered  Marriage  3  174669 
The noted story-teller at a dinner party  Sarcasm  2  174452 
The nurse at the front regarded the wounded soldier with a puzzled frown.  Amnesty  3  174791 
The objector to prohibition spoke bitterly:  Prohibition  5  173880 
The office telephone was out of order.  Recognition  4  174568 
The officers' mess was discussing rifle shooting.  Betting  12  174130 
The old colored attendant at the court house  Weather  6  174107 
The old colored mammy took advantage  Spinsterhood  5  173781 
The old colored man left the Methodist Church  Baptists  2  174770 
The old farmer and his wife visited the menagerie.  Cowardice  5  173946 
The old farmer was driving home from town,  Drink  2  174275 
The old friends had had three days together.  Hospitality  3  173908 
The old gentleman was lost in a London fog,  Fog  4  173973 
The old lady from the country and her small son  Automobiling  3  174386 
The old lady was very aristocratic,  Self-Betrayal  3  173912 
The old man shook his head dolefully  Pessimism  2  177384 
The old man told how his brother  Idioms  4  174503 
The old mountaineer and his wife arrived  Obstinacy  7  174218 
The old negro attended a service in the Episcopal Church  Church  2  174415 
The old sea captain was surrounded  Wild Women  4  173855 
The old toper was asked if he had ever met  Drink  2  174007 
The old trapper was chased by a grizzly.  Bears  2  174943 
The old woman in indigent circumstances  Grief  2  174059 
The older sister rebuked the younger  Nerves  2  174447 
The only unoccupied room in the hotel  Baths And Bathing  3  174481 
The optimist fell from the top story  Optimism  2  174399 
The optimistic pessimist explained  Music  2  174021 
The other day upon the links  Silence  1  174007 
The owner of a hunting lodge in Scotland  Drink  4  174353 
The owner of a large library solemnly warned  Books And Reading  1  174133 
The packer from Chicago admired a picture by Rosa Bonheur.  Art  5  174945 
The painter was required to render  Items  20  174643 
The pair on their honeymoon were crossing  Seasickness  5  174116 

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