Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
LADY (to tramp who had been commissioned   Dogs  2  326742 
LADY - "Can't you find work?"  Tramps  4  326538 
LADY - "I guess you're gettin'  Graft  3  326653 
LADY PRESIDENT - "What book has helped you most?"  Books And Reading  2  326720 
Lady: "I've just been making my side  The New Appreciation  3  327104 
Lady: "If you please, Cook,  The New Appreciation  2  326856 
Lady: Well, what do you want?  Front  4  326773 
Lady (in box):  Looking Over  2  326831 
Lady (to box office manager):  Troublesome Customer  1  326734 
Lady (to pedlar):  Nothing New To Him  2  326576 
Lady (to prospective daily housemaid):  An Alias  2  327090 
Lady (who has purchased a ready-made dress):  Justification  2  326413 
Language is the expression of ideas,  English Language  1  327415 
LARRY - "I like Professor Whatishisname  Drama  2  326609 
Laugh and the world laughs  Laughter  2  326796 
Lawyer: "When I was a boy my highest  Realised  2  327046 
Lay down, pup.  Fishy Record  2  326458 
LEADING MAN IN TRAVELING COMPANY - "We play Hamlet  Actors And Actresses  6  326886 
Learning hath gained most by those  Books And Reading  1  326731 
Lend me ten, Tom.  No Doubt  8  327010 
Let the man who does  Love  1  326618 
Levinsky, despairing of his life,  Jews  9  326743 
Liberty is being free from the  Liberty  1  326659 
Liberty of conscience means  Mistake  1  327372 
Life's an aquatic meet  Life  1  327129 
Lilly May came to her mistress.  Weddings  5  326691 
Lily: "Harold proposed to me  To Be Sure  2  326796 
Little Alice questioned her mother  Hereafter  4  327719 
Little Bartholomew's mother overheard  Profanity  3  326904 
LITTLE BROTHER - "What's etiquet?"  Etiquet  2  327268 
LITTLE CLARENCE (who has an inquiring mind)  Politics  2  326840 
LITTLE CLARENCE - "Pa!"  Epitaphs  5  327651 
Little dabs of powder,  Beauty, Personal  4  326858 
Little drops in water  Aviators  4  327177 
Little Eleanor's mother was an American,  Parents  2  326712 
Little Elizabeth and her mother  Fish  4  326684 
Little Ethel had been brought up with  Confessions  4  326501 
LITTLE GIRL (who has been sitting very still with a seraphic expression)  European War  3  327415 
Little Girl (in foreground):  Hope Springs Eternal  1  326506 
Little Girl (to Bride at wedding reception):  Our Modern Infant  3  326553 
Little grains of short weight,  Philanthropists  4  326669 
Little Ikey came up to his father  Failure  2  327453 
Little James, while at a neighbor's,  Hinting  3  326564 
Little Mary, who had fallen ill,  Hospital  3  326895 
Little Millie's father and grandfather  Politics  2  326806 
Little Nelly told little Anita what she termed a "little fib."  Real Estate Agents  5  326607 
Little Polly, coming in from her walk one morning,  Prayers  2  326861 
Little Ralph belonged to a family of five.  Generosity  6  327423 
Little six-year-old Harry was asked by his Sunday-school teacher:  Christmas Gifts  3  327309 
Little Willie came home in a sad state.  Appearance  4  327522 

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