Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
GABE - "What are you going back to that place  Summer Resorts  2  326961 
Gen. O.O. Howard, as is well known,  Mules  5  326620 
General Benjamin F. Butler built a house  Employers And Employees  7  327720 
General Gordon, the Confederate commander,  Patriotism  2  327118 
Genial Uncle: "Well, old chap,  Our Modern Infant  2  326767 
George Ade had finished his speech  Lawyers  4  326964 
George Ade, with a fellow American,  Languages  2  326791 
George Bernard Shaw was recently entertained  Dancing  3  326875 
George W. Cable, the southern writer,  Authors  3  326972 
George Washington drew a long sigh  Wishes  7  326902 
George, will you go and speak  Troubles Of The New-Poor  1  326635 
George," said the Titian-haired school marm,  Hash  2  327074 
George: "I proposed to that girl  The Obstacle  2  326518 
George: "Why don't Jack and Laura  A Lovers' Quarrel  2  328454 
GEORGIA LAWYER (to colored prisoner)  Thieves  4  326767 
Gerald," said the young wife,  Ancestry  3  327002 
Get a gossip wound up  Gossip  1  326601 
Gilbert wrote a couplet concerning  Flowers  5  326956 
Girls make me tired,  Comparisons  2  326705 
God sent his singers upon earth  Singers  4  326555 
God's prophets of the Beautiful,  Poets  2  326941 
Goin' in that house over there?  Dog  6  326564 
GOLFER (unsteadied by Christmas luncheon)  Golf  2  327008 
Golly, but I's tired!  Measuring Instruments  3  326633 
Good Heavens, man!  Advertising  2  327094 
Good morning, ma'am,  Charity  2  326865 
Governess: "Well, Mollie,  Justification  4  326814 
Governor Glasscock of West Virginia,  Droughts  3  326752 
Governor Vardaman, of Mississippi,  Wives  19  326912 
GRANDMA - "Johnny, I have discovered  Excuses  2  327402 
Grant Alien relates that he was sitting  Tips  4  326888 
Grave is the Master's look; his forehead wears  Teachers  4  327757 
Great aches  Corns  1  326731 
GUEST - "That's a beautiful rug.  Furniture  2  326969 
Guest: "Well, good-bye,  Not What She Meant  2  326916 
Gushing Lady: "Yes, she's married  Blue Blood  2  326743 

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