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    Levinsky, despairing of his life, made an appointment with a famous specialist. He was surprised to find fifteen or twenty people in the waiting-room.

    After a few minutes he leaned over to a gentleman near him and whispered, "Say, mine frient, this must be a pretty goot doctor, ain't he?"

    "One of the best," the gentleman told him.

    Levinsky seemed to be worrying over something.

    "Vell, say," he whispered again, "he must be pretty exbensive, then, ain't he? Vat does he charge?"

    The stranger was annoyed by Levinsky's questions and answered rather shortly: "Fifty dollars for the first consultation and twenty-five dollars for each visit thereafter."

    "Mine Gott!" gasped Levinsky - "Fifty tollars the first time und twenty-five tollars each time afterwards!"

    For several minutes he seemed undecided whether to go or to wait. "Und twenty-five tollars each time afterwards," he kept muttering. Finally, just as he was called into the office, he was seized with a brilliant inspiration. He rushed toward the doctor with outstretched hands.

    "Hello, doctor," he said effusively. "Vell, here I am again."

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