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    George Washington drew a long sigh and said: "Ah wish Ah had a hundred watermillions."

    Dixie's eyes lighted. "Hum! Dat would suttenly be fine! An' ef yo' had a hundred watermillions would yo' gib me fifty?"

    "No, Ah wouldn't."

    "Wouldn't yo' give me twenty-five?"

    "No, Ah wouldn't gib yo' no twenty-five."

    Dixie gaxed with reproachful eyes at his close-fisted friend. "Seems to me, you's powahful stingy, George Washington," he said, and then continued in a heartbroken voice. "Wouldn't yo' gib me one?"

    "No, Ah wouldn't gib yo' one. Look a' heah, nigger! Are yo' so good for nuffen lazy dat yo' cahn't wish fo' yo' own watermillions?"

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