Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
A southern colonel had a colored valet  Negroes  7  326742 
A Southern family had a coal-black  The Gloomy Guest  1  326355 
A southerner, hearing a great commotion  Chicken Stealing  6  326544 
A southerner, with the intense love  Provincialism  8  326511 
A Staten Island man,  Philadelphia  4  326510 
A statesman is a deal politician.  Statesmen  2  326532 
A story is told of an office-seeker  Nomenclature  10  326448 
A story that has done service in political campaigns  Dilemmas  4  326788 
A stranger came into an Augusta bank  Courts  11  326544 
A stranger entered the church  Preaching  4  326580 
A stranger rang the door-bell.  Precociousness  4  326387 
A street-car "masher" tried in every way to attract  Personal Names  5  326636 
A street-car was getting under way  Talkers  3  326917 
A study found that the average Australian  Good Ecomony  1  328812 
A suburban train was slowly working its  Commuters  3  326540 
A sympathizer is a fellow  Sympathy  1  326975 
A tale is told of a Kansas minister,  Pronunciation  2  326427 
A teacher asked her class in spelling  Consequences  2  326497 
A teacher in one of the primary grades  Flirtation  4  326501 
A Tennessee farmer went to town and bought a gallon jug  Cards  2  327693 
A Texas lad, lacking a team of horses  Mismated  2  326351 
A thief broke into a Madison avenue mansion  Music  8  326789 
A thing of beauty is a joy forever;  Beauty  5  327107 
A thought upon my forehead,  Authors  8  326878 
A thriving baseball club is one of the features of a boy's  Bribery  5  327675 
A tip is a small sum of money  Tips  1  326399 
A tourist at an hotel  The Substitute  2  326531 
A tourist at an hotel in Ireland asked  The Substitute  2  328070 
A tourist from the east,  Boston  1  326976 
A tourist in the mountains of Tennessee  Laziness  7  326827 
A tourist was chatting with the proprietor  Too Sad For That  4  326566 
A tourist while traveling in the north  Physicians And Surgeons  2  326679 
A train in Arizona was boarded by robbers,  Discounts  2  326561 
A train traveling through the West  Debts  9  326901 
A tramp devised a new scheme for working  Sympathy  4  326536 
A tramp entered a baker's, shivering piteously.  It Worked  13  326722 
A tramp went to a farmhouse,  Sympathy  4  326500 
A tramp, after a day or two in the hustling,  Laziness  2  327001 
A traveler in Indiana noticed that a farmer  Horses  5  326396 
A traveler in Tennessee came across an aged  New York City  9  326936 
A traveler in the South chatted with  Slavery  6  326503 
A traveler passing through the Broad  Poverty  3  326974 
A traveler who believed himself to be sole  Christians  2  326804 
A traveler, finding that he had a couple  Time  3  326511 
A traveling man who was a cigarette smoker  Habit  7  327066 
A trust is known  Trusts  1  326744 
A tutor who tooted a flute  Tutors  5  327286 
A twelve course dinner  Dining  1  326705 
A very black little girl made her way  Finance  2  326540 
A very large lady entered a street car  Corpulence  1  326446 

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