Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

[ All |  A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N ]
[ O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z |  Other ]

First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
A Protestant mission meeting  Protestants  1  326469 
A quarrel is quickly   Quarrels  1  326993 
A quiet conscience makes one so serene!  Conscience  3  326658 
A railroad was opened through a remote region,  Railroad  4  326735 
A rather simple-looking lad halted before   Business Enterprise  5  326787 
A rather turgid orator,  Public Speakers  7  326372 
A recent book on Russia relates the story  Religions  2  326693 
A regiment of regulars was making a long,  Distances  10  326465 
A report has come from Mexico concerning  War  5  326672 
A reputable citizen had left four umbrellas  Umbrellas  4  326566 
A resident of Nahant tells this one  Ocean  3  326421 
A retail dealer in buggies doing business  Collecting Of Accounts  3  326823 
A revival was being held at a small colored  Baptism  6  327221 
A rich and listless lady patron examined  Extravagance  4  327030 
A run in time saves the nine.  Baseball  2  327048 
A rural school has a pretty girl  Teachers  1  326686 
A rustic visitor to the city made a desperate run  Hindsight  2  326807 
A savage old boar got into a garden,  Help  2  327134 
A school girl was required to write  Profanity  2  326452 
A Scotch beadle led the maiden  Proposals  2  326449 
A Scotch minister and his servant,  Drunkards  5  326818 
A Scotch missionary in the Far East  Prayer  2  326555 
A Scotch Presbyterian clergyman tells  Sectarian  4  326540 
A Scotchman had been presented  Scotch  2  327273 
A Scotchman was questioned by a friend:  Thrift  3  326477 
A Scotsman is one who prays  The Scotch  1  326811 
A Scotsman visiting America  George Washington  3  326880 
A Scotsman who has a keen appreciation  Optimism  6  326856 
A Scotsman wishing to know his fate at once,  Thrift  3  326464 
A Scottish minister,  The Scotch  3  326574 
A Scottish woman,  Mistaken Identity  4  326292 
A scrupulous priest of Kildare,  Profanity  5  326474 
A Senator is very  Senators  1  326543 
A sense of humor is a help and a  Sense Of Humor  3  326412 
A Sergeant of the Lawe, war and wys  Lawyers  6  326914 
A servant of an English nobleman  Irish Bulls  1  326344 
A servant, who indulged in sprees  Saving  2  326780 
A shipwrecked traveler was washed up on a small island.  Christianity  3  327552 
A shopkeeper with no conscience put by his door  Blind  2  327000 
A shy young man once said to a young lady:  Personal Names  2  326531 
A single conversation across the table  Conversation  1  326431 
A small boy is sent to his bed by his father  Why We Love Children  13  330235 
A small boy was hoeing corn in a sterile  Repartee  7  326616 
A small boy was playing with an iron  Played Them Both Up  8  326270 
A small boy was playing with an iron hoop  Played Them Both Up  8  328265 
A small boy who had recently passed his fifth birthday  Age  2  326887 
A snobbish young Englishman visiting Washington's home  Patriotism  3  327016 
A soldier belonging to a brigade in command  Constancy  7  326839 
A somewhat unpatriotic little son of Italy,  Personal Names  5  326873 
A South African tribe has an effective  Public Speakers  1  326455 

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[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 ]

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