Jokes, Riddles & Giggles - Constancy.
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    A soldier belonging to a brigade in command of a General who believed in a celibate army asked permission to marry, as he had two good-conduct badges and money in the savings-bank.

    "Well, go-away," said the General, "and if you come back to me a year from today in the same frame of mind you shall marry. I'll keep the vacancy."

    On the anniversary the soldier repeated his request.

    "But do you really, after a year, want to marry?" inquired the General in a surprised tone.

    "Yes, sir; very much."

    "Sergeant-Major, take his name down. Yes, you may marry. I never believed there was so much constancy in man or woman. Right face; quick march!"

    As the man left the room, turning his head, he said, "Thank you, sir; but it isn't the same woman."

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