Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
Willie to the circus went,  Circus  4  174132 
Willie's mother had told him that  Prayers  5  173996 
WILLIS - "He calls himself a dynamo."  Debts  2  174749 
WILLIS - "I wonder if there will ever be universal peace."  Pensions  2  174524 
WILLIS - "Some of these rich fellows seem  Salvation  2  174136 
WILLIS - "What's the election today for?  Elections  2  175512 
Winnie had been very naughty,  Pleasure  2  173866 
Winston Churchill, the young English statesman,  Repartee  4  174053 
Wishing to give his Scotch steward  Champagne  1  174581 
With a sigh she laid down the magazine  Flattery  3  174144 
With earth's first clay they did the last man knead,  Pessimism  8  173753 
With knowledge  Knowledge  1  174564 
Wolsey saved his life  Mistake    174850 
Woman - the only sex which  Woman  1  174139 
Woman laid on road on motorway  Blind Prostitute  1  180578 
WOMAN VOTER - "Now, I may as well  Woman Suffrage  1  174061 
Women do not really like  Truth  1  174078 
Women know  Mothers  8  174123 
Women's faults are many,  Faults  4  174991 
Wot cheer, Alf? Yer lookin'  Work  4  173997 
Wot's a minimum wage, Albert?  Blue Blood  2  174211 
Would you like a lock of my hair?  Compliments  4  174622 
Would you marry a man to reform him?  Marriage  4  174149 
Would you mind tooting your factory  Nature Lovers  3  174552 

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