Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
Who are those people who are cheering?  War  2  269939 
Who ceases to be a  Scholarship  1  270011 
Who gave ye th' black eye,  Fighting  2  270392 
Who hath not met with home-made bread,  Home  7  269188 
Who hath not own'd,  Personal Names  2  269764 
Who seeks, and will not take  Opportunity  2  270037 
Who was the originator of the  A Chance Lost  2  271854 
Why are they not speaking?  No Dissension  4  269816 
Why are you so vexed, Irma?  Democracy  2  270103 
Why did papa have appendicitis  Providence  3  269317 
Why did the father of the prodigal son  Prodigals  2  269333 
Why did you break your engagement  Teachers  2  269988 
Why did you come to college, anyway?  College Students  2  269595 
Why did you take Meyerbeer  The Gloomy Guest  2  269249 
Why do you beat your little son?  Cruelty  2  269470 
Why do you object to children  Family  2  269629 
Why don't women have the same sense  Theater  2  269293 
Why don't you give your wife an allowance?  Allowances  2  269773 
Why is it you never get to the office  Tardiness  2  269943 
Why is it you never get to the office on time  Tardy  2  272409 
Why is it," asked the persistent poetess,  Poets  5  269592 
Why not have an illuminated sign  Tariff  1  269761 
Why was it you never married again,  Pensions  2  270225 
WIFE (complainingly)  Praise  2  270041 
WIFE (on auto tour)  Drinking  2  269450 
WIFE - "I consider, John,  Absent-Mindedness  2  270018 
WIFE - "Please match this piece of silk  Diplomacy  3  269484 
WIFE - "Wretch! Show me that letter."  Dressmakers  4  269561 
Wife:--"Women are not extravagant  Economy  2  270154 
Wife: "Two bottles of ginger ale,  Justification  2  270333 
Wife: "George, is that you?"  Home Life  2  269226 
Wife: "I'm afraid you'll think me  All In One Breath  1  269782 
Wife: "My dear, we've simply  Justification  1  269621 
Wife: "Yes, dear.  Justification  2  270144 
Wife (at upper window):  Not What She Meant  3  269445 
Wife (enthusiastically):  Too Sad For That  2  269167 
Wife (referring to guest):  Justification  2  269512 
Wife (habitué of the Ring,  The New Appreciation  1  269619 
Wifey: "Henry, do you think me  Too Enthusiastic  3  269315 
William - - was said to be the ugliest,  Flattery  3  269625 
William Dean Howells is the kindliest  Authors  3  269826 
William had just returned from college,  Heredity  4  269830 
William J. Stevens, for several years  Dogs  4  269369 
William Phillips, our secretary of embassy at London,  Choices  3  269816 
William R. Hearst, who never touches liquor,  Drunkards  8  269581 
William, aged five, had been reprimanded  Parents  3  269613 
WILLIE - "All the stores closed on the day my uncle died."  Boasting  2  269812 
WILLIE - "Pa!"  Altruism  5  269907 
WILLIE - "Paw, what is the middle class?"  Middle Classes  2  269415 
Willie had a savings bank;  Finance  12  269623 

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