Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
When Demosthenes was asked what  Orators  1  174329 
When England was placed  Mistake  1  174506 
When Ex-President Taft was on his  Welcomes  1  174520 
When Grover Cleveland's little girl  Telephone  1  174439 
When his daughter returned from the girls  Nomenclature  5  173960 
When I arose to speak,  Public Speakers  3  173914 
When I first decided to allow the people  Candidates  4  174466 
When I was a young man,  Millionaire  2  174089 
When in England, Governor Foss,  Ancestry  1  174270 
When Lawrence Barrett's daughter  Gifts  8  174379 
When Lottie returned from her first visit  Sunday Schools  2  174083 
When Mark Twain came to Washington  Golf  3  174500 
When Mark Twain, in his early days,  Advertising  2  174686 
When Miss Cheney, one of the popular teachers  Baseball  3  174550 
When Mr. Choate was ambassador  Puns  6  173887 
When Mr. Taft was on his campaigning tour  William Howard Taft  4  173974 
When Mrs. Pankhurst, the English suffragette,  Suffragettes  3  174044 
When our thirsty souls we steep,  Wine  24  174059 
When P.T. Barnum was at the head  Future Life  2  173913 
When President Eliot of Harvard  Drinking  3  174316 
When Rutherford B. Hayes was a student  College Students  5  174010 
When the bishop was entertained at an English  Terminology  6  174300 
When the colored couple were being  Precaution  2  173918 
When the Devil was sick,  Repentance  1  176988 
When the domestic event was due,  Triplets  2  173737 
When the Kentucky colonel was in the North,  Drink  2  174088 
When the late Senator Wolcott first went  Signs  2  174302 
When the physician gives you medicine  Physicians And Surgeons  1  173865 
When tillage begins,  Agriculture  1  177412 
When time who steals our years away  Memory  4  174642 
When William H. Crane was younger  Actors And Actresses  6  174610 
When you are aspiring to the highest place,  Ambition  1  174300 
When you can,  Discretion  1  174063 
Where am I?" the invalid exclaimed,  Marriage  2  174509 
Where are you goin', ma?  Surprise  6  174232 
Where can I get a drink in this town?  Saloons  4  174736 
Where liberty dwells  Liberty  1  173966 
Where's old Four-Fingered Pete?  Drunkards  2  174526 
Where've you been, Murray?  Health Resorts  6  174603 
Which do you consider the most  Opera  4  174520 
Which weeds are the easiest to kill?  They Wilt  2  173863 
Whichever way the wind doth blow  Wind  4  174169 
While an Irishman was gazing in the window  Wages  5  174391 
While building a house,  Carpenters  9  174420 
While campaigning in Iowa Speaker Cannon  Sneezing  4  174192 
While reconnoitering in Westmoreland County,  Mothers  12  174164 
While the late Justice Brewer  Talkers  3  174358 
While the train was waiting on a side track  Laziness  8  174625 
While waiting for the speaker at a public meeting  Christian Scientists  3  174234 
Whistler, the artist,  Dining  2  173990 

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