Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
On the way to the office of his publishers  Weather  2  174122 
On Tuesday, a colored maid asked her mistress  Dead Certainty  3  174703 
Once upon a time a coach was held up  Sectarian  7  174005 
Once upon a time a deacon who did not favor church bazars  Bazars  3  174538 
Once upon a time there was an Indian  Preaching  7  174437 
Once when Henry Ward Beecher was  Retaliation  2  174065 
Once, at a criminal court,  Irish Bulls  2  174178 
Once, in a rush season,  Overtime  1  174035 
Once, while Bishop Talbot,  Begging  6  174093 
One afternoon Kaiser Wilhelm caustically reproved  Kings And Rulers  6  174211 
One afternoon thirty ladies met at the home  Clubs  2  174158 
One cold, wet, and windy night  Singers  3  173840 
One cold, wintry morning a man of tall  Rapid Transit  3  174416 
One day a Chinese poor man met  Invitations  5  174218 
One day a hostess asked a well known Parisian judge:  Evidence  2  174548 
One day a man exhibited a handsome umbrella.  Umbrellas  1  174332 
One day a mother overheard her daughter  Imagination  5  174362 
One day a pastor was calling upon  Food  2  174003 
One day a teacher was having a first-grade  Scientific Proof  2  174413 
One day a teacher was having a first-grade class  Scientific Proof  2  176297 
One day a teacher was having a first-grade class  Breath  2  174188 
One day an extremely well-dressed and  How the Well-Dressed Lawyer Lost His Expensive Shoes  73  177334 
One day an inspector of a New York  Poverty  3  177430 
One day little Flora was taken to have  Dentists  1  174488 
One day Mary, the charwoman,  Marriage  7  174406 
One day the first grade teacher was reading  Chicken Little  5  177266 
One day when old Thaddeus Stevens was practicing  Courts  3  173855 
One day, in the spring of '74, Cap Smith's  Outdoor Life  5  174234 
One day, while walking with a friend  Beauty, Personal  1  174227 
One eastern railroad has a regular  Disposition  2  174179 
One evening just before dinner a wife,  Meekness  5  173836 
One foot in the grave,  Danger  1  174734 
One Fourth of July night in London,  Fourth Of July  3  173946 
One Japanese bragged to another that he made  Economy  3  174529 
One librarian has the following  Librarians  3  174049 
One man's word is no man's word,  Justice  2  174281 
One morning a few summers ago President Taft,  William Howard Taft  2  174034 
One morning a little girl hung about the kitchen  Mothers  2  174010 
One morning as Mark Twain returned from a neighborhood morning call,  Clothing  3  174056 
One mother who still considers Marcel waves  Baldness  3  174542 
One negro workman was overheard talking to another:  Praise  2  174204 
One night at a theatre some scenery took fire,  Panics  5  174649 
One of our popular New England  Protestant Episcopal Church  4  174228 
One of our volunteers in the late war  Homesickness  5  174335 
One of the ladies assembled at the club   Widow  5  173977 
One of the New York churches is notorious  Exclusiveness  4  173947 
One of the passengers on a wreck  Messages  1  174229 
One of the stories told by Mr. Spencer Leigh Hughes  Great Britain  5  173926 
One of the two girls in the subway  Nomenclature  3  174381 
One of the ushers approached a man who  Stammering  5  173937 

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