Jokes, Riddles & Giggles, - Alphabetical Listing of Jokes, Riddles and Giggles by first lines
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Jokes, Riddles & Giggles Listing Alphabetical by First Lines or part thereof.

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First Line Joke, Riddle or Giggle Title Lines Views
A city man, visiting a small country town,  Horses  2  326799 
A clergyman was once sent for in the middle  Preaching  5  326603 
A clergyman was quite ill as a result  Gluttony  3  326999 
A clergyman who advertised  Versatility  5  326814 
A clergyman who was holding a children's  Seasickness  2  326982 
A clergyman, who was summoned in haste  Consideration  3  326598 
A clerk showed forty patterns of ginghams  Wives  2  326350 
A college professor was one day nearing  College Students  3  326656 
A college professor,  Irish Bulls  2  326755 
A Colonel, who used to assert  Diet  5  326891 
A colored deacon who was the leader  Preacher  2  326433 
A colored girl asked the drug clerk  Negroes  8  326755 
A colored man had been arrested  Marriage  3  326891 
A colored parson, calling upon one of his flock,  Chicken Stealing  3  326610 
A conductor and a brakeman on a Montana railroad  Liars  4  326964 
A country girl was home from college  Worms  3  326634 
A country newspaper printed the following announcement:  Librarians  1  326196 
A country school-teacher was cashing her monthly check  Salaries  2  326946 
A couple advertised:  Children  2  326668 
A couple from Boston spent a winter in Augusta,  Point Of View  3  326358 
A couple of old grouches at the Metropolitan Club  Husbands  4  326339 
A curious little man sat next an elderly,  Efficiency  3  326894 
A customer entered the small-town  Life's Biggest Problem  2  326529 
A cynic, considering the fact that women  Woman  1  326425 
A darky fruit-dealer  Salesmen And Salesmanship  5  326840 
A darky meeting another coming from the library  Books And Reading  3  326513 
A day, an hour, of virtuous liberty  Liberty  2  326626 
A dear old citizen went to the cars  Farewells  3  327118 
A delegation from Kansas visited Theodore Roosevelt  Theodore Roosevelt  6  327309 
A dinner, coffee and cigars,  Pleasure  4  326598 
A director of one of the great transcontinental  Fathers  4  327253 
A distinguished librarian is a good follower  Librarians  1  326586 
A distinguished theologian  Preaching  2  326743 
A district leader went to Sea Girt,  Repartee  2  326416 
A doctor came up to a patient  Illusions And Hallucinations  3  326768 
A Duluth pastor makes it a point to welcome   Clergy  3  326589 
A dumpy little woman with solemn eyes,  Honesty  7  326449 
A family moved from the city to a suburban locality  Dogs  2  326772 
A famous spinster, known throughout the country  Spinsters  4  326645 
A farmer during a long-continued drought  Competition  2  326793 
A farmer in great need of extra hands  Labor And Laboring Classes  5  326902 
A farmer noticing a man in automobile  Fords  2  326813 
A farmer returning home late at night,  Beauty, Personal  6  327209 
A farmer, according to this definition,  Agriculture  1  326670 
A farmer, who indulged in sprees,  Drink  2  326494 
A fat woman entered a crowded street car  Kindness  4  326932 
A father once said to his son,  Puns  5  326362 
A few years ago Henry James reviewed  Irreverence  4  326409 
A firm of shady outside London  Recommendations  3  326985 
A flea and a fly in a flue,  Aeronautics  5  326913 

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[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 ]

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