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College Students

    A young Irishman at college in want of twenty-five dollars wrote to his uncle as follows:

        "Dear Uncle. - If you could see how I blush for shame while I
        am writing, you would pity me. Do you know why? Because I have
        to ask you for a few dollars, and do not know how to express
        myself. It is impossible for me to tell you. I prefer to die.
        I send you this by messenger, who will wait for an answer.
        Believe me, my dearest uncle, your most obedient and
        affectionate nephew.

        "P.S. - Overcome with shame for what I have written, I have
        been running after the messenger in order to take the letter
        from him, but I cannot catch him. Heaven grant that something
        may happen to stop him, or that this letter may get lost."

    The uncle was naturally touched, but was equal to the emergency. He replied as follows:

        "My Dear Jack - Console yourself and blush no more. Providence
        has heard your prayers. The messenger lost your letter. Your
        affectionate uncle."

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