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    A minister of a fashionable church in Newark had always left the greeting of strangers to be attended to by the ushers, until he read the newspaper articles in reference to the matter.

    "Suppose a reporter should visit our church?" said his wife.

    "Wouldn't it be awful?"

    "It would," the minister admitted.

    The following Sunday evening he noticed a plainly dressed woman in one of the free pews. She sat alone and was clearly not a member of the flock. After the benediction the minister hastened and intercepted her at the door.

    "How do you do?" he said, offering his hand, "I am very glad to have you with us."

    "Thank you," replied the young woman.

    "I hope we may see you often in our church home," he went on. "We are always glad to welcome new faces."

    "Yes, sir."

    "Do you live in this parish?" he asked.

    The girl looked blank.

    "If you will give me your address my wife and I will call on you some evening."

    "You wouldn't need to go far, sir," said the young woman, "I'm your cook!"

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