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    Johnnie Poe, one of the famous Princeton football family, and incidentally a great-nephew of Edgar Allan Poe, was a general in the army of Honduras in one of their recent wars. Finally, when things began to look black with peace and the American general discovered that his princely pay when translated into United States money was about sixty cents a day, he struck for the coast. There he found a United States warship and asked transportation home.

    "Sure," the commander told him. "We'll be glad to have you. Come aboard whenever you like and bring your luggage."

    "Thanks," said Poe warmly. "I'll sure do that. I only have fifty-four pieces."

    "What!" exclaimed the commander. "What do you think I'm running? A freighter?"

    "Oh, well, you needn't get excited about it," purred Poe. "My fifty-four pieces consist of one pair of socks and a pack of playing cards."

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