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    A preacher had ordered a load of hay from one of his parishioners. About noon, the parishioner's little son came to the house crying lustily. On being asked what the matter was, he said that the load of hay had tipped over in the street. The preacher, a kindly man, assured the little fellow that it was nothing serious, and asked him in to dinner.

    "Pa wouldn't like it," said the boy.

    But the preacher assured him that he would fix it all right with his father, and urged him to take dinner before going for the hay. After dinner the boy was asked if he were not glad that he had stayed.

    "Pa won't like it," he persisted.

    The preacher, unable to understand, asked the boy what made him think his father would object.

    "Why, you see, pa's under the hay," explained the boy.

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