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Couldn't Resist It

    "Look here," began the youth, as he entered a butcher's shop, and displayed two lovely-looking black-and-blue eyes, "you have fresh beef for sale?"

    "I have," responded the butcher.

    "And fresh beef is good for black eyes, is it not?"

    "It is."

    "Very well. I have the eyes, you have the beef. Do you think you can sell me a pound or so without asking how I got ornamented?"

    "I'll do my best, sir."

    The butcher cut off the meat, and received his money without another look at his customer. At the last moment, however, the old Adam proved too strong for him.

    "Look here," he said, handing back the cash, "I'll make you a present of the beef. Now tell me all about the fight."

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