Jokes, Riddles & Giggles - Marriage Fees.
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Marriage Fees

    A poor couple who went to the priest to be wedded were met with a demand for the marriage fee. It was not forth-coming. Both the consenting parties were rich in love and in their prospects, but destitute of financial resources. The father was obdurate. "No money, no marriage."

    "Give me l'ave, your riverence," said the blushing bride, "to go and get the money."

    It was given, and she sped forth on the delicate mission of raising a marriage fee out of pure nothing. After a short interval she returned with the sum of money, and the ceremony was completed to the satisfaction of all. When the parting was taking place the newly-made wife seemed a little uneasy.

    "Anything on your mind, Catherine?" said the father.

    "Well, your riverence, I would like to know if this marriage could not be spoiled now."

    "Certainly not, Catherine. No man can put you asunder."

    "Could you not do it yourself, father? Could you not spoil the marriage?"

    "No, no, Catherine. You are past me now. I have nothing more to do with your marriage."

    "That aises me mind," said Catherine, "and God bless your riverence. There's the ticket for your hat. I picked it up in the lobby and pawned it."

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