Jokes, Riddles & Giggles - Deafness.
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    In the smoking-room of a theatre, between the acts, an amiable young man addressed an elderly gentleman who was seated beside him:

    "The show is very good, don't you think?"

    The old gentleman nodded approvingly, as he replied:

    "Me, I always take the surface cars. Them elevated an' subway stairs ketches my breath."

    "I said the show was a good one," exclaimed the young man, raising his voice.

    Again, the elderly person nodded agreeably.

    "They jump about a good deal," was his comment, "but they're on the ground, which the others ain't."

    Now, the young man shouted:

    "You're a little deaf, ain't you?"

    At last the other understood.

    "Yes, sir!" he announced proudly. "I'm as deef as a post." He chuckled contentedly. "Some folks thinks as that's a terrible affliction, but I don't. I kin always hear what I'm sayin' myself, an' that's interestin' enough for me."

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